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News France is our new UBO Register connection!

France is our new UBO Register connection!

Posted 2023-06-05 | Updated 2023-06-27

We are happy to announce the further expansion of our UBO Registers network. As of middle of June, our integration with the French UBO Register is available to all our users. This means that you now have access to Ultimate Beneficial Owners data coming directly from the National Business Register (Le Registre National des Enterprises – RN.

With this new integration the below functions are available:

  • on API
    • Beneficial Owners Check document
  • on API V2
    • Beneficial Owners data is available using enhanced endpoint with beneficialOwners parameter set to true
  • on kompany web
    • Beneficial Owners Check document

The data about the Beneficial Owners contains various points, including dateOfBirth,Nationality.

Country of Residence, and in most cases meansOfControl and beneficialOwnershipDetails.

JSON Structure

Sample response for enhanced dataset using beneficialOwners parameter:

  "datasetId": "",
  "kompanyId": "",
  "datasetName": "enhanced",
  "enhancedOptions": {
    "generalData": false,
    "stakeholders": false,
    "shareholders": false,
    "beneficialOwners": true,
    "suppressRefresh": true
  "info": null,
  "status": "COMPLETED",
  "requestTime": "2023-06-22T08:11:05+00:00",
  "responseTime": "2023-06-22T08:11:05+00:00",
  "estimatedDeliverySeconds": 0,
  "content": {
    "kompanyId": "",
    "countryCode": "FR",
    "countryName": "France",
    "registrationNumber": "521363564",
    "name": "CELINE",
    "status": "LIVE",
    "siret": "52136356400019",
    "providedStatus": null,
    "address": "74, AVENUE D ANDREZIEUX, 42340, VEAUCHE, FRANCE",
    "legalForm": "Société à responsabilité limitée (sans autre indication)",
    "additionalData": {
      "formattedAddress": {
        "number": "74",
        "street": "AVENUE D ANDREZIEUX",
        "postcode": "42340",
        "city": "VEAUCHE",
        "country": "FR"
      "otherIdentifiers": {
        "localNumber": "521363564"
      "shares": {
        "shareCapital": [
        "shareCurrency": "EUR"
      "legalEvents": {
        "incorporationDate": "2010-03-31"
    "associatedEntities": {
      "shareholder": [],
      "officer": [
          "name": "CELINE MARIE LUDIVINE BENY",
          "role": "officer",
          "providedRole": "Gérant",
          "address": "FRANCE 42160 Andrézieux-Bouthéon",
          "dateOfBirth": "1991-03",
          "nationality": "Française"
      "ultimateBeneficialOwner": [
          "name": "PATRICE PIERRE GABRIEL BENY",
          "role": "ultimateBeneficialOwner",
          "dateOfBirth": "1954-07",
          "nationality": "FRANCAISE",
          "residenceCountry": "FRANCE",
          "additionalAssociatedEntityData": {
            "meansOfControl": [
                "meanOfControl": "Direct Vote Rights",
                "ownershipTypeDetails": [
                    "name": "detentionVoteTotal",
                    "value": "99.98"
                    "name": "detentionVoteDirecte",
                    "value": "true"
          "name": "CELINE MARIE LUDIVINE BENY",
          "role": "ultimateBeneficialOwner",
          "dateOfBirth": "1991-03",
          "nationality": "FRANCAISE",
          "residenceCountry": "FRANCE",
          "additionalAssociatedEntityData": {
            "meansOfControl": [
                "meanOfControl": "Direct Ownership Rights",
                "ownershipTypeDetails": [
                    "name": "detentionPartTotale",
                    "value": "100.0"
                    "name": "detentionPartDirecte",
                    "value": "true"
                "meanOfControl": "Direct Vote Rights",
                "ownershipTypeDetails": [
                    "name": "detentionVoteTotal",
                    "value": "0.02"
                    "name": "detentionVoteDirecte",
                    "value": "true"
    "industryActivityCode": {
      "activity": "la propriété par voie d'acquisition, d'échange ou autrement, de divers biens immobiliers situés sur le territoire français",
      "activityCodes": [
    "providerSpecificData": {
      "siretNumber": "52136356400019"
    "sources": [
        "name": "National Business Register (Le Registre National des Enterprises - RNE)",
        "info": null,
        "primary": true,
        "fields": [
        "lastCheckedTime": "2023-06-22T08:11:05+00:00"


The UBO register coverage of all integrated jurisdictions can be found in the UBO registers guide section.