H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. in Liqu. - Bundesstraße 66, 8740, Zeltweg, Austria
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 145078a
- Company Status
- Country
- Austria
- Registered Address
- Bundesstraße 66
- 8740
- Zeltweg Bundesstraße 66, 8740, Zeltweg AT
Company Details
- Type of Business
- Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
- Incorporated
- 1996
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Additional Status Details
- gelöscht
- Court
- Landesgericht Leoben
- Previous Names
- H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H.
H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. in Liqu. Company Description
- H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. in Liqu. is a Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung registered in Austria with the Company reg no FN 145078 a. Its current trading status is "closed". It was registered 1996. It was previously called H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H.. It can be contacted at Bundesstraße 66 .
Get H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. in Liqu. Register ReportAnnual AccountsArticles of AssociationCredit Report by KSV1870Credit Check by KSV1870
You are here: H&v Handels & Vertretung Handelsgesellschaft M.b.h. In Liqu. - Bundesstraße 66, 8740, Zeltweg, Austria
Announcements from the Firmenbuch
- 2014-08-08 Modification
- *. LG Leoben (*), Löschung Bekannt gemacht am *. August * Firmenbuchnummer: *a Firmenbuchsache: H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. in Liqu. Bundesstraße * * Zeltweg Text: FIRMA gelöscht; Löschung infolge beendeter Liquidation.; Gericht: LG Leoben eingetragen am *.*.*
H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. in Liqu.
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for H&V HANDELS & VERTRETUNG Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. in Liqu. as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Annual Accounts
- 2013-09-30
Financial data for the last reported full year
2012-09-30 - Annual Accounts
2011-09-30 - Annual Accounts
2010-09-30 - Annual Accounts
2009-09-30 - Annual Accounts
2008-09-30 - Annual Accounts
2007-09-30 - Annual Accounts
2006-09-30 - Annual Accounts
2005-09-30 - Annual Accounts
Articles of Association
Founding documents
Credit Report by KSV1870
Official credit data
Credit Check by KSV1870
Brief credit details